Member Protection
Fremantle Rowing Club wants its members to enjoy and feel safe and comfortable at all times. In this regard, it has set up a Member Protection policy, which is closely aligned with the National Integrity Framework for Support, as well as a complaint review process.
The complaint process has been primarily set up to help children and youth members, particularly where any instances of child abuse, neglect, misconduct, bullying, or harassment arise. Adult members are also welcome to use the complaint process.
Any such complaint deserves to be treated independently, and the Member Protection Officer will be guided by and interact with the National Integrity Framework for Sport.
If you, or someone at the club, feel the need to submit a complaint, please contact Michelle Davis, our Member Protection Officer, at All emails to the Member Protection email address will be treated in a respectful and confidential manner.
Alternatively, please visit if you feel your complaint is best managed outside of the Club.